Reza John Vedadi

Reza John Vedadi

Here to help others who need a helping hand
Reza John Vedadi doesn't have a story yet.

Help Build the Roof of the Imam Musa al-Kazim Mosque, Congo

By Reza John Vedadi

Building Permenant roof, electrics, plumbing and carpets

#Propagation #Environment
40% funded
Ends Sep 30
0 Days left
Kazimia, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sadaqah Jariyah - Mosque in Congo

By Reza John Vedadi

Completing Imam Musa al-Kadhim Mosque in Congo

#Propagation #Environment
111% funded
Ends Aug 19
0 Days left
Kazimia, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Feeding Families - Ramadhan Charity Project 2023

By Reza John Vedadi

Helping to feed needy families in Ramadhan with the intention of iftar

#Poverty Relief
91% funded
Ends Apr 03
0 Days left
Qom, Iran
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