Messenger Magazine Orphan Project

Magazines full of activities for orphans in arabic

Messenger Magazine Orphan Project

of £2,000 goal

23% funded
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#Education #Arts & Culture #Sports
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Arabic versions of The Messenger Magazine for Orphans 

The Messenger Magazine and the Al Kawthar Project for Orphans & Widows are working together for a very special cause 

As you may know, in Islam, caring for orphans is of utmost importance, and it is considered a virtuous act that holds great rewards.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq a.s says, “One who maintains the orphans, Allah makes Paradise obligatory upon him” The word ‘maintaining’ here does not only refer to food and shelter….it also encompasses their emotional and spiritual well-being too 

Our project aims to provide orphans with access to Arabic versions of The Messenger Magazine - an engaging and enriching magazine that teaches Islamic values and principles in a fun and interactive way. Through these magazines, we hope to spark joy and fun, while also helping to foster a love for learning and a deeper understanding of their faith

To do this, we need YOUR support! We need donations towards the printing costs of the magazine so that we can provide copies of the magazines to as many children as possible! Every little counts - any contribution you make will bring a joy for these orphans that is quite honestly priceless 

Thank you for considering supporting our project, and we pray that Allah rewards you for your kindness and generosity.


2023 Mar 28 01:08
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Anonymous £20 - 2 months ago
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Anonymous £10 - 5 months ago
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Anonymous £30 - 6 months ago
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Anonymous £30 - 9 months ago
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Anonymous £20 - 9 months ago
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Anonymous £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £20 - 2 months ago
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Anonymous £10 - 5 months ago
Great initiative. May God make this project successful.
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Anonymous £30 - 6 months ago
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