Dealing With Common Mental Health Issues

Donate towards Mental wellness program for Al Kawthar orphans

Dealing With Common Mental Health Issues

of £500 goal

30% funded
Days ago
#Education #Medical

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Please support Al Kawthar Project for Widows & Orphans by attending this event and donating any amount you can! 

All donations raised will go towards our Mental Wellness Programme in Iraq. 

The Mental Wellness Programme is very close to our hearts, and the main reason it was developed was so we could sympathise with those in need and provide them with help and support through times of need. Alhamdullilah, in the West we are more open to talking about Mental Health issues and there's no taboo around it. However, in Iraq there's less knowledge about it. We educate and train our volunteers so we can be there for the Widows and Orphans who may be going through mild or severe problems, to offer them a shoulder to lean on and provide support.

Mental health is something Al Kawthar Project gives great importance to and we all need to normalise talking about it in order to cope and deal with life's daily challenges.

 To facilitate this, the topic of this event is ‘Dealing with Common Mental Health Issues’. which is on 

🗓 Saturday 19th November 2022

⏰ 13:00 GMT 

📍 Theatre Room 1, Cruciform Building, University College London (UCL), WC1E 6BT

Looking forward to seeing you there! 


2022 Oct 28 23:36
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Anonymous £10 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £10 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
Keep up the good work!
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