Yemen Housing Project

Help The Zahra Trust build a home in Yemen!

Yemen Housing Project

of £18,000 goal

29% funded
#Disaster Relief #Poverty Relief
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1 Campaign + You

Recently The Zahra Trust have secured a plot of land in Al Hudayda with a plan to build 200 homes for families to live in. so that they can begin to rebuild their lives. Each house costs £18,000 and will provide a safe place to live for a family so they can begin to work towards a brighter future. 

Once the homes have been built, we hand the deeds over to the families directly so it's theirs for life! We never ask anything back from the families but we always make one request, that they try keep their children in education. 

Poverty affects estimated three-quarters of Yemen. Conflict has displaced millions and there is an urgent and growing need for support. The Zahra Trust has been operational on the ground in Yemen delivering vital aid and working on sustainable projects for some years now. 


2022 Jul 11 17:32
Project Created


Imam Mahdi's Little Helpers

By Aneesa

Building a home in Yemen

#Disaster Relief #Poverty Relief
28% Funded
0 Days left


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Anonymous 7 months ago
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Anonymous £5 - 1 year ago
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Kawthar Jaffer 1 year ago
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Alia £10 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Zahra Mohamedali £130 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
The Zahra Trust
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The Zahra Trust

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Anonymous 7 months ago
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Anonymous £5 - 1 year ago
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Kawthar Jaffer 1 year ago
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