Who We Are
Imam Mahdi's Little Helpers is striving towards helping to build a home in Yemen.
We are a group of Mums, who are ready to make a change. We believe this change starts with the new generation. United in the reflection that whilst we shower our own children with love and warmth, we have a duty to help those children whose circumstances do not provide them with the same opportunities. Our children wanted to get involved and will be fundraising throughout the month inshallah!
The inspiring children taking part are:
Aliya, Amina & Asiya Kassamali
Masuma Noor, Ahmad Ali & Maryam Zahra Merali
Abdulhafeedh & Fatima Gulamhussein
Layla, Aaliya & Abbas Datoo
Layla Zahra & Muhammad Zaki Khaki
Aasiya, Saara & Ilhaam Ismail
Zahra & Hadi Mohamedali
Maryam, Hannah, Husayn Ali Kanani
Hawra & Zahra, Rattansi
Qais Abbas, Siyana Z, Layth Ali, Inara F Siwji
Isa & Hamza Datoo
Ali & Abbas Moledina
Mahdi Hussain & Liyana Fatema Hashmani
Hassan Mahdi Jiwa
Hussain, Sakinah & Abbas Sumar
Fatema Kubra & Ali Khimani
Hadi, Essa, Hayder, Rayyan, Nabeeha Hashmani
Fatema & Sofia Moledina
Liyana & Layth Ali Merali
Ehsaan, Noor, Zakariyah, Maryam Dhanji
Zain & Zara Mawji
Husayn Ali Merali
Hassan, Ali Mahdi, & Jawad Merali
Zaynab & Husayn Pirmohamed
Zahra & Maryam Chandoo
Aasiya, Abbasali, and Zaynali Chagpar
Ali Yusuf Khaku
Maryam Fatimah Datoo
Fatema Zahra Fazaldin, Fatimah Masumah Fazaldin
Khadijah & Ali Abdulla
What Are We Fundraising For?
We along with our children (who have been busy brainstorming creative ways to fundraise) would like to make a difference and inshAllah raise £18000 to help build a home in Yemen.
Our aim is to build a home for a family of 4-6 people who have previously lived in anything from a straw house to much worse. Our hope is that collectively, with everyone’s help we can raise the balance of this total to literally change the lives of a family in need.
This may seem like an ambitious goal, but keep in mind, every little bit helps and no contribution is too small.
“Those who spend their wealth in Allah’s way by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord.” (2:274)