Bring Back Smiles of Rohingya Refugees on Eid-al Adha

Never Let Rohingya be Alone to Celebrate Eid al-Adha

Bring Back Smiles of Rohingya Refugees on Eid-al Adha

of £2,000 goal

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Days ago
#Poverty Relief

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Everyone must believe that our country is the most comfortable place for native inhabitants, right? Exceptionally for Rohingya people.

No food, no shelter, and no education, in their origin country, are endless nightmares. Decades of discrimination, statelessness, and violence in Rakhine State. Big hopes for refugees to other countries, but things are getting worse. They attacked from any aspect, such as their refugee camp being deliberately set on fire, their small business demolished without notice, and being forced out of their homes and threatened.

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The “Rohingya Crisis“ has been felt by Rohingya communities since 2017. Fleeing countries to countries and still getting unpleasant treatment. Even, their treatment has consistently violated international law regarding the treatment of internally displaced persons (I.D.P.s). How sad their life is.
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Dear kind-hearted people, Rohingya still belong to us. Most of them are Moslem. They always get brutal treatment. It is heartbroken, that becoming a Moslem minority group brings them misery. Their fate is full of uncertainty and they often get sadistic treatment. 

Through your generosity, since 2012, ACT  has distributed Qurbani overseas, such as Palestinian, African, Rohingya, etc. You could Qurbani completely or joint sadaqah with other donors. the  Sadaqah Qurbani will be accumulated with the other donors of Sadaqah Qurbani. The report will be considered public. 

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Can you imagine, that every step they take is full of sadness and full of sadistic treatment from everyone? So, don’t let them alone, especially on Eid-al Adha which would come in less than 2 months. Hand in hand we celebrate Eid al-Adha together, your sadaqah Qurbani today can change a soul forever.

“Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord and sacrifice (to Him only)." [Al-Qur'an 108:2].

Terms and Conditions

  • We receive your order of Qurbani before July 9th, 2022 11.45 AM Western Indonesian Time.
  • Price includes the operational fee, socialization, procurement of the animal, slaughtering, distribution, monitoring, documentation, and report.
  • Global Qurban – ACT is authorized to determine the areas of distribution, and to set a priority on the neediest area.
  • Global Qurban – ACT is authorized to convert Qurban/Udhiyah of a goat to 1/7 share of a cow, in particular cases such as the goat is unavailable in the targeted location.
  • The slaughtering shall be performed from the 9th to 12nd of July 2022
  • The amount of transaction that is below the price of a Qurbani animal will be considered as a donation as Sadaqah Qurbani and will be accumulated with the others' Sadaqah Qurbani. The report will be considered public.


2022 Jul 07 05:28
Project Closed
2022 Jun 14 04:02
Project Created


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ACT Foundation

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