Build a Water Well in Indonesia

Leave a legacy by providing continuous-flowing clean water for hundreds of underprivileged Indonesian

Build a Water Well in Indonesia

of £2,000 goal

2% funded
Days ago
#Poverty Relief

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The fact that Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country, with waters covering a third of its land area should be a blessing. Ironically, over 54 million Indonesians, mainly rural communities, do not have access to clean water.

This difficulty is felt by more than 500 villagers living in Jantung Durian village, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Clean water is luxurious. For years they have had difficulty obtaining it because the village is located in a highland that tends to be dry.

Most of the residents here live in poverty. As the only long-term solution is to build a water well—which is costly and no one can afford to build it, there is not much they can do.

To fulfill daily water needs, the villagers are forced to use a small contaminated river located near Al Fajar Mosque—the only water source in the area. It is also used as an emergency ‘toilet’ for urination and defecation. When the weather is rainy, the river water condition becomes brown so that it cannot be used at all. Even worse during the dry season, the river dried up.

This project aims to build a water well near the Al Fajar Mosque as a replacement for the concerning river. It will be a type of communal shallow well with a depth of 30 meters, along with;

2 units of toilet
Ablution area with 3 faucets
A fish pond,
A tree planting
A construction of absorption wells and biopore

The Al Fajar Mosque has been established since 1960 as the heart of the village. Not only used for 5 daily prayers and Friday prayer, but this mosque is also the center of children and communities' Quran recitation activities. Up to a hundred Muslims in congregation consisting of men, women, children, orphans, and the elderly daily visits.

By building a water well; you are not just providing the clean water solution for over 500 poor residents, your donation will also fulfill the needs of 100 Muslims to perform Wudu (ablution) for daily ibādah (prayers) at least 5 times a day!

Thank you for making a donation towards this project. Donating is really simple and secure. The money will directly go to ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap) Foundation Indonesia.

Insha Allah your Sadaqah Jariyah, no matter how much, will benefit you, your loved ones, and the less fortunate in this life and hereafter. Your generosity truly encourages their faith (Imaan). Jazakumullah Khairan.


Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) is a foundation working in the social and humanitarian fields. Established in 2005, our work includes emergency response, post-disaster recovery programs, as well as community empowerment and development, Qurban, Zakat, and Waqf.

ACT Foundation has helped more than 47 million needy people from 76 countries in Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe, with 467 thousand volunteers.

Instagram: @actforhumanity.en
Facebook: ACT Foundation
WhatsApp: +62 8131 1881 165


2022 Mar 19 04:22
Project Created


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ACT Foundation

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