The Legacy

Prince of Believers

The Legacy

of £50,000 goal

21% funded
Days ago
#Education #Propagation

This project is not active.

FOUNDED IN 2014, THE LEGACY IS A SERIES OF EXHIBITIONS CREATED TO SHOWCASE THE LIVES OF THE MASOOMEEN IN AN ENGAGING MANNER. We aim to create an experience designed to educate the visitor using both visual displays, and written information, to ensure young people can learn in an interesting manner and absorb the maximum amount of information possible by stimulating different senses. Our life-like visuals also aim to allow the visitor to imagine the environment and circumstances that surrounded our Ahlulbayt. Visitors, both Muslim and non-Muslim, can then understand and empathise with the struggles of our leaders, allowing us to spread the message of Islam. Our first four exhibitions, ‘The Hussain Legacy’, aimed to depict the plight of Imam Hussain (AS) and the Ahlulbayt leading up to, during, and after the battle of Karbala. Sections were dedicated to different events, such as that of Mubahila, models of the battle itself, and prison emulations showing the journey of our Holy Imam and his family at different stages of their lives. This was coupled with hadith and stories coinciding with the displays to not only inform the visitor of what was occurring at the time but explaining how this contributed to Islam as a whole.


2021 Sep 19 12:39
Project Created


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Anonymous £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 2 years ago
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Anonymous 2 years ago
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Anonymous 2 years ago
Shabab Al-Sibtayn
chariy name
project by
Shabab Al-Sibtayn

Project is not active.

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Anonymous £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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