Save Baby Mahdi!

Support the funding of Syed Mahdi Tabatabaei's life-saving treatment

Save Baby Mahdi!

of £25,500 goal

29% funded
Days ago

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*UPDATE - 8/9/2021* We did it! All the money required has been raised and the treatment is underway. Thank you everyone who prayed, donated and shared! ------ *UPDATE - 18/08/2021* Of the $2.1 million required for the treatment of Baby Mahdi, we have raised $1.6 million, but still require $500,000. Please donate now! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Mahdi is 8 months old and was born on 29th November 2020 in Babylon, Iraq. He is an only child and was born with a rare genetic condition called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which causes muscle wastage and weakness. Unfortunately, children with the type of SMA that Mahdi has, do not usually live beyond the age of two (as their muscle weakness eventually affects the important muscles needed for breathing). The sooner Mahdi receives treatment, the better the outcome. The treatment Mahdi needs costs $2.1 million and is known as the worlds most expensive drug. It is a one-off treatment that works to prevent the disease by replacing the gene that does not work. In previous cases it has proved to be highly successful with a 91-100% event-free survival rate and a 66.7% effectiveness at preventing the disease from progressing. Mahdi's story has gained a lot of attention in his native Iraq and has been covered by local media and been shared by celebrities on social media. A portion of the required funds have already been raised but there is still a need for the shortfall. We are directly in contact with Mahdi's family and at The Zahra Trust we are doing what we can to help secure the funds needed for Mahdi's treatment. As mentioned earlier, this is an extremely time-sensitive situation and the sooner the funds are raised and the treatment can be afforded, the significantly higher the chances of a successful outcome. Please donate generously!


2021 Sep 08 13:03
Project Closed
2021 Aug 18 15:50
Project Created


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Anonymous £50 - 2 years ago
The Zahra Trust
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The Zahra Trust

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