AIM Ramadan Appeal

Help the Mission

AIM Ramadan Appeal

of £8,000 goal

70% funded
Days ago

This project is not active.

Dear friends,

On behalf of everyone at AIM, we would like to extend our warmest greetings on the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan.

We are all living in testing times with the cost of living crisis and its uncertainty. At AIM, the last 12 months, in particular, have been a struggle.

With increased programming demands post covid, the rising prices of heating bills, food and the decrease in donations that are coming in, we are reaching a point of urgency.

AIM as an organisation has done its utmost to serve the community in various ways, from events, courses and camps to a learning centre, publications and weekly dua gatherings. We have always tried to put our community first with very little financial backing.

Since its inception and until today, we have remained an independent organisation and do not have a secure funding source. Our annual budgets are built around the financial streams that come in from some of our community projects, and the generosity of donors.

Many think we get large sums of money from other organisations and countries, but that is untrue.

This Ramadan, we seek to organise seven evenings of programming and to be very honest with you, we do not have the money to pay for them. This is our reality.  We have mounting unpaid bills, in addition to projects that are incomplete without financial support.

We humbly request that the community help us by collectively digging in together.

We are asking for your help. This Ramadan, our appeal is to support AIM. Without your help, we would have to scale down our activities, which is not what we want to do. So this is an appeal to help our community to grow and serve.

May Allah bless you.


2023 Mar 17 15:57
Project Created


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user id
Khalid Malik £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Ali £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £10 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Leena 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £5 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £47 - 1 year ago

Project is not active.

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Khalid Malik £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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