Donate in the name of Imam Ali (AS)

We want 110 people to donate £110 each

Donate in the name of Imam Ali (AS)

of £12,100 goal

2% funded
Days ago
#Disaster Relief #Poverty Relief

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Syeda Sarah Rizvi - Hawza Student, Author, Motivational Speaker, Lecturer and Host is raising funds for The Hope Appeal's Where Most Needed fund.

As followers of Imam Ali (AS), helping others through charity is something that is close to our hearts. That's why we're asking 110 people to donate £110 each - the target is £12,100.  

All funds raised could go to any or all of the following projects:-

  • The building of schools
  • Providing healthcare
  • Supporting widow families to pay rent and buy healthy food
  • Increasing access to clean, safe water through water well building projects in remote areas
  • Responding to emergencies and crises efficiently and expediently. 

Millions of people worldwide do not have access to the basics like water, food, and shelter.  Please consider the plight of others during this blessed month and donate what you can to these worthy causes.

Let's hit our target of £12,100 - let's make difference!


2024 Mar 20 01:58
Project Created


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Anonymous 3 months ago
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Anonymous £110 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous £20 - 4 months ago
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Anonymous 4 months ago
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Anonymous 4 months ago
The Hope Appeal
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The Hope Appeal

Project is not active.

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Anonymous 3 months ago
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Anonymous £110 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous £20 - 4 months ago
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