Water Aid

Build a water well in the name of a loved one

Water Aid

of £6,000 goal

17% funded
Days ago

This project is not active.

Sayed Ali Radhawi and Ahmed Gokal, co-hosts of the After Maghrib Podcast, have joined forces this year to support crucial water aid initiatives through The Hope Appeal.

As lovers of Imam Al-Hussain (as), ensuring access to safe and clean drinking water holds immense significance for us.

Water, a fundamental requirement, is often overlooked by many of us. However, for millions worldwide, it remains an unattainable luxury. Your contribution to this noble cause enables us to construct water wells, providing hundreds of individuals in remote or inaccessible areas with access to clean, safe water. Water sustains life, and it should be accessible to everyone.

We appeal to your generosity in donating towards our goal of £6,000. With your vital contributions, we aim to provide the invaluable gift of water to those in need, inshallah.


2024 Mar 15 13:53
Project Created


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Anonymous £10 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous £5 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous 3 months ago
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Anonymous 4 months ago
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Anonymous £10 - 4 months ago
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Sarah £45 - 4 months ago
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F Radhawi & Om Mohamed R £80 - 4 months ago
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Anonymous £20 - 4 months ago
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Zeinab F £10 - 4 months ago
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Anonymous 4 months ago
The Hope Appeal
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The Hope Appeal

Project is not active.

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Anonymous £10 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous £5 - 3 months ago
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Anonymous 3 months ago
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