Walking from Najaf to Karbala

Mehmooda walks Najaf to Karbala to raise money for Abdallah

Walking from Najaf to Karbala

of £3,000 goal

25% funded
Days ago
#Poverty Relief

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Quite unexpectedly,  I will be going travelling to Iraq for Arbaeen and I could not pass up the opportunity to walk from Najaf to Karbala. A 3 day walk that is around 80km and takes place in the lead up to Arbaeen.

 Surprisingly, there is very little coverage in the media about this walk or Arbaeen in Karbala yet this is the biggest pilgrimage that takes place every year with over 20 million people in Karabala many of whom have walked there from all over Iraq and further afield.

 While I took pictures, shared some videos and posted information of the incredible acts of kindness that I was witness to over 3 days the last time I was in Iraq, I don’t think the sheer awe-inspiringness  ( it’s not a word but should be) of it can be described in a few pictures and posts.  Iraqis and non come out in their hoards to line the streets all the way to Karbala to serve the Zuwwar ( those of us who are there for this pilgrimage). Many save for the year leading up to it to be able to buy food and feed and look after those of us who walk. No act of kindness is either too big or too small. From food, to water to a place to sleep. 3 days of unparalleled, soul moving kindness. from people who have little themselves.

 I could not therefore pass up the opportunity to do this walk and along the way  do my part  to help someone in need. 

I have been thinking about doing this walk again for a few years and made a promise that if I got the opportunity again I'd raise money for the education of  Abdallah and his siblings. A child we met in Damascas a few years ago that you have seen me post about. Abdallah lives with his mother and siblings and like any of us has dreams of becoming an engineer. Abdallah’s father was taken by Daesh and believed to be dead. Despite all of this trauma, Abdallah is an exceptional student and human being. He is kind, bright and positive and deserves a chance to study and achieve his full potential.

Imagine being gifted a new laptop that you need for your studies? Not really that much of a big deal for us in the west. For Abdallah, this would be life changing and something we'd love to do for him.

 Of the £3000 raised, I’d like to use £1000 to give Abdallah a new laptop and £2000 to pay for his and his siblings’ fees for school/university.

Thank you for reading and for helping make a difference in Abdallah's life.

In memory of Marhum Kassamali Daya. Always...

Mustafa and Mehmooda

PS I thought hard about posting a picture of Abdallah and decided against it as I'd like to maintain his dignity. Feel free to follow my instagram page to see pictures of Adbdallah over the years that he's sent me and that I have taken.


2023 Aug 23 20:26
Project Created


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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Diana Brown £10 - 1 year ago
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Sarah B 1 year ago
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Ludmila 1 year ago
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DP £25 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Terminator 😘 £20 - 1 year ago
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Aniko and Dave £20 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
Mehmooda Daya
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project by
Mehmooda Daya

Project is not active.

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Anonymous 1 year ago
In memory of Marhum Kassamali Daya
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Diana Brown £10 - 1 year ago
Exceptional effort and cause. Amazing Mehmooda
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Sarah B 1 year ago
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