Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
We got this story from the Asar Humanity team on the ground who met a family of converts in the Badui tribe in a village of Lebak, Banten while delivering rice aid. Alhamdulillah, Allah softened the hearts of a Badui family, to say the shahada and embrace Islam.
The Badui tribe live in the wilderness and adhere to the beliefs of their ancestors. Along with the times, many of them also want to embrace Islam. They leave the forest to study Islam in Badui Convert village. To leave the place they used to live is a new challenge for them, because they have to struggle to have a place to call home and also meet their daily needs with very limited skills and resources. They are used to living and making use of whatever is in the forest, they don't have any other skills.
This family of converts lives in a converts village and starts a new life and is different from the life they had left. In fact, sometimes there is still a gossips among them, "If I convert to Islam, I will be poor". May Allah keep their faith.
In this converted village there are about 30 families living in the village, they mutually support each other in learning Islam. It is in this village that there is an Islamic School Raudhotul Quran, more like a humble learning center. This is a place to study the Quran, they also are given lectures on how you perform daily prayers, and also learn to live in Islamic way. This school is established and financed by all the people who converted and live there. They give whatever they have and from whatever is in nature.
Asar Humanity invited you to donate and to support the Badui converted families to meet their daily needs. Converted families are one of the categories of asnaf groups that deserve assistance.
Let's strengthen them to remain faithful to Allah SWT.