Emergency Response: Al Aqsa under attack!

People in Al Quds and Gaza need our support. Send them now!

Emergency Response: Al Aqsa under attack!

of £3,000 goal

9% funded
Days ago
#Human Rights

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On the night of Tuesday April 4 2023, Zionist army troops prevented and injured Palestinian worshipers who were about to enter for Taraweeh prayers at the Al Aqsa Mosque. The situation heated up when the soldiers entered the Qibli Mosque and arrested at least 400 worshipers. The congregation was pelted with eye gas and beaten mercilessly.

In this holy month, they even forbade Muslims in Palestine from praying and worshiping at the Al Aqsa Mosque. Meanwhile they guarded and allowed the Jewish settlers to enter the mosque. The endless discrimination experienced by Palestinian Muslims for a very long time who want to prosper and protect Al Aqsa.

Without pity they also damaged the clinic in the area of the Al Aqsa mosque, they even prevented the ambulance from helping the seriously injured worshipers.

Brothers and sisters, please send your prayers for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Hasbunallah wanikmal wakiil, nikmal maulaa wanikmal nasiir.

InshaAllah Asar Humanity is committed to helping our brothers and sisters in Palestine during this Ramadan. Thank God the Asar team in Al Aqsa were able to provide iftar to the congregation of Al Aqsa Mosque the night after the attack. We are still trying to convey the trust of good people. 

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But the Zionist cruelty never stops, until now the Zionist forces are still restricting Palestinians from entering the Al Aqsa Mosque. Meanwhile in the Gaza Strip, Zionist launched planes, drones, and missiles until there were explosions in several areas. One of the stories from the wife and children of a Sheikh that we communicate is currently in Gaza. His baby cried and was shocked whenever the explosion happened. There is no safe place in Gaza. 

Continue to keep our prayers for brothers and sisters in Palestine, may Allah SWT always to protect them and the Holy mosque of Al Aqsa.

Send help to keep our brother there. InshaAllah your donation will go toward healthcare services, food aid and other emergency assistance for people in Al Aqsa and Gaza. 

Jazakumullah khairan!


2023 Nov 21 05:16
250 food packages delivered to the displaced people in Khan Younis, Southern Gaza. Jazakumullah khairan 250 food packages delivered to the displaced people in Khan Younis, Southern Gaza. Jazakumullah khairan
2023 Nov 21 05:16
2023 Jul 04 15:37
10 were martyred, more than 200 injured due to Israel attacks in Jenin while 3000 fled their homes. May Allah SWT protect Palestinians! 10 were martyred, more than 200 injured due to Israel attacks in Jenin while 3000 fled their homes. May Allah SWT protect Palestinians!
2023 Apr 21 17:10
Due to the escalation and strict entry of Masjid Al Aqsa, we managed to deliver the iftar to poor families in Gaza. Jazakumullah khairan. Due to the escalation and strict entry of Masjid Al Aqsa, we managed to deliver the iftar to poor families in Gaza. Jazakumullah khairan.
2023 Apr 07 16:03
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Mariam Osseiran 1 year ago
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Zainab Virani £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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Asar Humanity
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Asar Humanity

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Mariam Osseiran 1 year ago
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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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