Yemen Welfare Appeal

Today, the need in Yemen is even more urgent and desperate.

Yemen Welfare Appeal

of £10,000 goal

0% funded
Days ago
#Disaster Relief #Medical #Poverty Relief

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Yemen Aid 

Dear Donors 
Assalamu Alaikum 

Yemen Update
Unfortunately the terms of the ceasefire have continued to be violated and the situation in Yemen continues to worsen and the blockade largely remains in place. 
11.3 million children are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. 
Our activities in Yemen include 
- Sponsorship of essential needs of over 200 orphans 
- Emergency aid in the form of food and medical needs in different parts of Yemen 
- Where possible helping children attend school through the provision of school bags and stationary 

We hope you will be able to continue your support for the children of Yemen.


2022 Nov 19 09:32
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Anonymous 1 year ago

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