Yemen Appeal - The Zahra Trust

Help our efforts in Yemen, one of the worst humanitarian disasters in our lifetime!

Yemen Appeal - The Zahra Trust

of £100,000 goal

3% funded
#Disaster Relief
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2 Campaigns + You

Families in Yemen caught amid the crossfire of conflict are suffering at increasingly dire levels in what the UN describes as one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. 

Estimates indicate a staggering 20.7 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance with 11.3 million of those being children. Others estimate these figures could even be as high as 24.3 million and 14.4 million respectively. 

Famine is widespread. 2.3 million children are acutely malnourished and 400,000 are severely malnourished.

The Zahra Trust has been working to address multidimensional poverty in Yemen through various emergency and long-term sustainable programmes including essential needs such as medical aid, clean drinking water, shelter and seasonal aid.


2022 Aug 11 15:32
Project Created


Yemen Appeal

By Middlesex Ahlulbayt Society

The people of Yemen need our support now more than ever!

#Disaster Relief
19% Funded
0 Days left

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By Brunel Ahlulbayt Society

The people of Yemen need our support now more than ever!

#Disaster Relief
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0 Days left


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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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Zainab Virani 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Duaa £100 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £50 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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Anonymous £2 - 1 year ago
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Anonymous £2 - 1 year ago
The Zahra Trust
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The Zahra Trust

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Anonymous £20 - 1 year ago
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Zainab Virani 1 year ago
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Anonymous 1 year ago
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